
Lançamento (Release) – Viral – T. Gephart.

Synopsis – Sinopse

A nothing-special rock band from Pittsburgh, PA is launched into the spotlight when the lead singer, Vaughan, posts a status on social media announcing the band’s implosion.

Ironic that money, fame and the opportunity of a lifetime came knocking at his door after what had been the worst day of his life.

Guess it couldn’t any worse . . . or could it?


Uma banda de rock nada especial de Pittsburgh, PA, é lançada no centro das atenções quando o vocalista Vaughan publica um status nas mídias sociais anunciando a implosão da banda.

Irônico que dinheiro, fama e a oportunidade de uma vida bateram à sua porta depois do que tinha sido o pior dia de sua vida.

Acho que não poderia ser pior. . . ou poderia?

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Excerpt – Trecho

White Trash Circus will be taking an extended break and won’t be playing any time in the foreseeable future. Please lodge all your complaints to my guitarist—and my ex best friend—who I found inside the girlfriend I’ve had since high school. I will pull the freaking knife from my back and continue—without either of them—when the time is right. With enough hate and anger coursing through my veins to keep me in therapy for life, I’m going to save my cash and let the music heal me. Prepare all your bleeding hearts to be tormented with the most righteous, heavy and cataclysmic tunes to ever come out of me. So there’s that to look forward to. Thank you for all the support over the years, the gigs, the love and most of all memories. Don’t trust anyone and stay metal—Vaughan.

PS. Connor, you left your guitar and rig at my house so I took the liberty of relocating it to my front lawn. I might have dropped it on the way out the door. In your own words, brother, “Sometimes stuff just happens.”

PPS. Our drummer spontaneously combusted and is no longer with us.

WhiteTrashMegaFan- Whoa! Is this real?

VaughanLover4Eva – I love you Vaughan, you were too good for her anyway. I want to have your babies.

HeavyBrad69– So rock and roll!! Can’t wait for the new stuff, it’s going to be metal AF!

Nico – Ummm, Vaughan, what about me?

LicksNStick – LOL awks

White Trash Circus – No one cares about the bass player, Nico.

Abouth the Author – Sobre a Autora

T Gephart is a USA Today and International bestselling author from Melbourne, Australia.

With an approach to life that is somewhat unconventional, she prefers to fly by the seat of her pants rather than adhere to some rigid roadmap. Her lack of “plan” has resulted in a rather interesting and eclectic resume, which reads more like the fiction she writes than an actual employment history. She’d tell you all about it, but the statute of limitations hasn’t expired yet. But all those crazy twists and turns have led her to a career she loves—writing romantic comedy.

When she isn’t filling pages with sassy and sexy characters with attitude, she’s living her own reality show in the ‘burbs of Melbourne with her American husband, two teenage children, and her fur child—Woodley.

She loves adventure, to laugh, travel, and strives to live her life to the fullest.

T Gephart é uma autora best-seller do USA Today e International de Melbourne, Austrália.

Com uma abordagem à vida pouco convencional, ela prefere fazer o que der na telha do que seguir um roteiro rígido. Sua falta de “plano” resultou em um currículo bastante interessante e eclético, que se parece mais com a ficção que ela escreve do que com uma história real de emprego. Ela lhe contaria tudo, mas o estatuto de limitações ainda não expirou. Mas todas aquelas voltas e reviravoltas loucas a levaram a uma carreira que ela ama – escrevendo comédia romântica.

Quando ela não está preenchendo as páginas com personagens atrevidas e sexy com atitude, ela está vivendo seu próprio reality show nos subúrbios de Melbourne com seu marido americano, dois filhos adolescentes e seu filho peludo – Woodley.

Ela adora aventura, rir, viajar e se esforça para viver sua vida ao máximo.

Website: tgephart.com



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