
Blog Tour – Daddy Issues – Liv Morris.

Daddy Issues, an all-new, irresistible single dad romance from USA Today bestselling author Liv Morris, is available now!

Daddy Issues, um novo romance, irresistivel  sobre um pai solteiro da autora best-seller do USA Today, Liv Morris, já está disponível!

Synopsis – Sinopse

A single billionaire, a young nanny, and a surprise baby.

My life was ordered. Smooth and neat like my scotch. I had arranged relationships with a beginning and an end. No romantic attachments was my motto.

Then I met Maggie. A beautiful, young woman trying to find her place in the gritty world of Manhattan. She deserved more than a jaded man like me, so I let her walk away.

But fate stepped in and an ex-lover surprised me with a baby she claimed was mine. Desperate I hired a well-recommended nanny sight unseen. When she knocked at the door of my penthouse, I opened it to find Maggie standing on the other side.

I watched Maggie lovingly care for my child and wanted to learn to be a father to my daughter. But having Maggie so close was dangerous. She was a terrifying ray of sunshine that threatened to thaw my frozen heart.

I needed her for my child.

At least that’s what I told myself.

Until it was too late.


Um bilionário solteiro, uma jovem babá e um bebê surpresa.

Minha vida era ordenada. Boa e pura como meu uísque. Eu tinha relacionamentos arranjados com um começo e um fim. Nenhum apego romântico era o meu lema.

Então eu conheci Maggie. Uma mulher jovem e bonita tentando encontrar seu lugar no mundo sombrio de Manhattan. Ela merecia mais do que um homem cansado como eu, então eu a deixei ir embora.

Mas o destino entrou em cena e um ex-amante me surpreendeu com um bebê que ela alegou ser meu. Desesperado, contratei uma babá bem recomendada, sem sequer vê-la. Quando ela bateu na porta da minha cobertura, eu abro para encontrar Maggie parada do outro lado.

Eu assisti Maggie cuidar amorosamente da minha filha e queria aprender a ser um pai para ela. Mas ter Maggie tão perto era perigoso. Ela era um terrível raio de sol que ameaçava derreter meu coração gelado.

Eu precisava dela para minha filha.

Pelo menos foi o que eu disse a mim mesmo.

Até que fosse tarde demais.

Amazon: https://amzn.to/33Z8GMS
Amazon Worldwide: http://mybook.to/DaddyIssueslm

GoodReads: http://bit.ly/2NVDcDI


Excerpt – Trecho

I discovered a new species of male in Manhattan: men in suits. They were everywhere. Walking down the street. Riding the subway. Standing in line for coffee right behind me. The city was a yummy box of man candy, and I had a hard time passing up the sweets.

I appraised the latest suit as he ordered coffee. He was a head taller than everyone else. Light scruff scattered across his tight, slice-of-country-ham jawline in a perfect touch of masculinity.

He wore a midnight blue power suit paired with a sky-colored tie. Gold cufflinks peeked out of his sleeves, with a faceted diamond that needed its own zip code.

I lowered my gaze to the cut of his pants. Tight. Euro. My preferred country when it came to men’s clothing. I loved the sporty Abercrombie look in college, but New York City converted me to brands like Armani and Hugo Boss. Tailored. Slick. Just like him. He resembled an Abercrombie model all grown up, the best of both worlds.

Mr. Armani pushed his fingers through his perfectly styled hair, but every strand resumed its previous position. Was this the kind of sorcery men in suits possessed?


Abouth the Author – Sobre a Autora

USA Today bestselling author Liv Morris resides in Manhattan with her first and hopefully last husband. She received a degree in communication from the University of Maryland. Liv has published many short stories for her Love in the City series (now a box set) and is featured in numerous anthologies.

A autora best-seller do USA Today, Liv Morris, mora em Manhattan com seu primeiro e possivelmente último marido. Ela recebeu um diploma em comunicação da Universidade de Maryland. Liv publicou muitos contos para sua série Love in the City (agora um box set) e é destaque em diversas antologias.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LivMorrisAuthor/

Facebook Reader Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/LIVingItUpStreetTeam/

Amazon: http://amzn.to/2ntpJ3X

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/liv-morris

Twitter: @LivMorrisAuthor

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/livmorrisnyc/


Mailing List: http://www.subscribepage.com/c6k0f5

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