
Revelação de Trecho (Excerpt Reveal) – Twisted Hearts – Cora Reilly.

Today we have the teaser reveal of Twisted Hearts by Cora Reilly. Check it out and be sure to preorder your copy today!

Hoje temos a revelação do trecho de Twisted Hearts de Cora Reilly. Confira e não se esqueça de encomendar sua cópia hoje mesmo!

Synopsis – Sinopse

Savio Falcone has a few non-negotiable rules when it comes to girls.

They need to be hot as f*ck.

Spread their legs without much prompting.

And leave as soon as the fun is over. Preferably minus any bitching or tears.

With his easy-going bad boy attitude, a last name that rules over Las Vegas and a body to die for, girls have always been at Savio’s disposal.

Unfortunately, the hottest girl in Vegas comes with a price Savio isn’t willing to pay. For Savio to get Gemma he’d need to seal the deal and put a ring on her finger. Settling down is out of the question, no matter how hot a piece of ass waits at the altar.

Gemma Bazzoli has had a crush on Savio from the first moment she came face to face with his arrogant smile, but for him she was always his best friend’s annoying little sister—until her hard-earned curves catch even his attention.

But Savio likes it easy, and Gemma is anything but. When she’s promised to another man, Gemma resigns herself to the fact that the man she’s wanted all her life, doesn’t want her badly enough.

Savio has to decide how much work he’s willing to invest, because bending the rules in his usual style might not be enough to get the girl that haunts his wet dreams.



Savio Falcone tem algumas regras inegociáveis ​​quando se trata de mulheres.

Elas precisam ser gostosas.

Abrir as pernas sem muito estímulo.

E partir assim que a diversão acabar. De preferência, sem quaisquer queixas ou lágrimas.

Com sua atitude descontraída de bad boy, um sobrenome que domina Las Vegas e um corpo de matar, as mulheres sempre estiveram à disposição de Savio.

Infelizmente, a garota mais gostosa de Las Vegas vem com um preço que Savio não está disposto a pagar. Para Savio conseguir Gemma, ele precisa selar o acordo e colocar um anel no dedo dela. Sossegar está fora de questão, não importa quão gostosa seja quem espere no altar.

Gemma Bazzoli teve uma queda por Savio desde o primeiro momento em que ficou cara a cara com seu sorriso arrogante, mas para ele ela sempre foi a irmã mais nova irritante de seu melhor amigo – até que suas curvas conquistadas com muito esforço captam sua atenção.

Mas Savio gosta de coisas fácies, e Gemma é tudo menos isso. Quando ela é prometida a outro homem, Gemma se resigna ao fato de que o homem que ela quis a vida toda, não a quer o suficiente.

Savio precisa decidir quanto trabalho ele está disposto a investir, porque a desobediência às regras em seu estilo habitual pode não ser suficiente para atrair a garota que assombra seus sonhos molhados.

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Excerpt – Trecho

I tilted my head, bringing our faces closer. Gemma was the full package. Choir girl and sex bomb, a lethal combination of heaven and hell. Being around her, you couldn’t help but want to be sinner and saint, only so you could be closer to her.

“Savio…” Gemma said in warning, bringing her palms up against my chest.

I got that she didn’t want to have sex before our wedding night, but why deprive herself of all the other fun things I could show her? “Is a kiss really so bad? Your mouth is so fucking kissable.”

“Well, your mouth is coming around too much for my taste. You’ve probably kissed more lady parts than most toilet seats.”

My arms gave in from the force of my laughter. Fuck, Gemma was one of a kind. Resting my forehead against the wall, my body pressed into Gemma. “Lady parts?” I repeated between chuckles as I tilted my head down.

Gemma raised her head. We were so fucking close, her lips were begging for me to bridge the few inches between us. “How about you call them what everyone does? Pussy.”

Her cheeks turned red. “I’m not going to take that word into my mouth.” She pushed harder against my chest, but I didn’t budge.

“I’d love to have your pussy in my mouth,” I growled, and doing my usual routine without even thinking about it, I ground myself against the woman in front of me to show her what she was doing to me.

Gemma tensed, her eyes widening in shock. She jerked her knee up and hit my balls. Pain shot through my body and I groaned. She quickly slipped out under my arm and stormed away. “That’s called Bull’s eye!”

Fuck. Anger surged through me. I chased her despite the fucking throbbing in my balls, and I grabbed her wrist. She whirled on me. “Don’t do that ever again,” I growled.

She narrowed her eyes. “How about this then?” She swung her fist at me, aiming straight for my nose. My arm shot up, blocking her assault. I’d been fighting in the cage for years now against guys weighing twice as much as Gemma. She was a good fighter for a small girl, but that was it. I gripped her other wrist and jerked her against me, holding her fast. Her hair had come undone from her ponytail and framed her face in wild curls. “Apologize,” she seethed.

My eyebrows shot up. “I’m not the one who smashed his knee into your lady parts.”

“Apologize for disrespecting me.”

I regarded her. She was dead serious.

“If anyone else treated me the way you just did…”

“I’d cut his dick off and let him bleed out,” I finished.

Abouth the Author – Sobre a Autora

Cora Reilly is the author of the Born in Blood Mafia Series, The Camorra Chronicles and many other books, most of them featuring dangerously sexy bad boys. Before she found her passion in romance books, she was a traditionally published author of young adult literature.

Cora lives in Germany with a cute but crazy Bearded Collie, as well as the cute but crazy man at her side. When she doesn’t spend her days dreaming up sexy books, she plans her next travel adventure or cooks too spicy dishes from all over the world. Despite her law degree, Cora prefers to talk books to laws any day.


Cora Reilly é autora da série Born in Blood Mafia, The Camorra Chronicles e muitos outros livros, a maioria deles apresentando bad boys perigosamente sexy. Antes de encontrar sua paixão em livros de romance, ela era uma autora publicada tradicionalmente de literatura para jovens adultos.

Cora mora na Alemanha com um bonito, mas louco Bearded Collie, bem como o homem bonito mas louco ao seu lado. Quando ela não passa seus dias sonhando com livros sensuais, ela planeja sua próxima aventura de viagem ou prepara pratos muito condimentados de todo o mundo. Apesar de seu diploma em direito, Cora prefere conversar sobre livros à leis a qualquer dia.

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