
Pré – Venda (Pre-order Blitz) – Waiting For My Queen – Georgia Cates.

Waiting for my Queen by Georgia Cates is releasing on March 3rd!
Pre-order today!


Waiting for my Queen, de Georgia Cates, será lançado no dia 3 de março!
Pré-encomende hoje!


Amazon: https://amzn.to/37aEGzA

Apple Books: https://apple.co/2NWxfEG

Nook: http://bit.ly/2r8hYHG

Kobo: http://bit.ly/2qe0xpn

Google Play: http://bit.ly/2qrhah9

Synopsis – Sinopse


All I’ve ever wanted was to marry for love.

But girls like me don’t have that luxury.

We are used as pawns in a game we can’t control.

The game? It’s called Mafia.

I was foolish enough to try to change the rules… and I lost.


She was promised to me years ago.

And he dared to take her from me.

Dared to touch what was mine.

I put an end to that.

I hope he’s enjoying the view from his dirt room.


My beloved’s killer placed a ruby ring on my finger and called me his queen.

But that red gem symbolizes something different for me.

It represents the blood shed by those I love most.

Hell was empty the day we wed.

Because the devil was standing before me and said “I do.”


I saw her as a possession.

A shiny toy I didn’t want other boys to play with.

But she’s so much more.

Beautiful and brave and strong and broken all at once.

She tastes like everything I’ve ever wanted.


Hidden and patient.

I wait for the perfect time to seek my revenge.

But slowly, I feel him possessing me.

His heart is full of darkness… and I still want every inch of him.

Hard as I try, I can’t escape loving this beautiful monster.


I’m waiting patiently because I already know that she’s mine.

Mine in a way that no one will ever understand.

Even if she hasn’t yet realized it.

For love, I’d do anything.

For her, I’d do everything.




Tudo que eu sempre quis foi me casar por amor.

Mas garotas como eu não têm esse luxo.

Somos usados ​​como peões em um jogo que não podemos controlar.

O jogo? Se chama Mafia.

Fui toao o suficiente para tentar mudar as regras … e perdi.


Ela me foi prometida anos atrás.

E ele se atreveu a tirá-la de mim.

Ousou tocar o que era meu.

Eu coloquei um fim nisso.

Espero que ele esteja gostando da vista de sua cova.


O assassino do meu amado colocou um anel de rubi no meu dedo e me chamou de rainha.

Mas essa gema vermelha simboliza algo diferente para mim.

Representa o sangue derramado por aqueles que mais amo.

O inferno estava vazio no dia em que nos casamos.

Porque o diabo estava diante de mim e disse: “Eu aceito”.


Eu a via como uma possessão.

Um brinquedo brilhante com o qual eu não queria que outros garotos brincassem.

Mas ela é muito mais.

Bonita, corajosa, forte e quebrada tudo de uma só vez.

Ela tem gosto de tudo que eu sempre quis.


Oculta e paciente.

Espero o momento perfeito para me vingar.

Mas lentamente, eu o sinto me possuindo.

Seu coração está cheio de escuridão … e eu ainda quero cada centímetro dele.

Por mais que eu tente, não consigo escapar de amar esse belo monstro.


Estou esperando pacientemente porque já sei que ela é minha.

Minha de uma maneira que ninguém jamais entenderá.

Mesmo que ela ainda não tenha percebido.

Por amor, eu faria qualquer coisa.

Por ela, eu faria tudo.

Add Waiting for My Queen to your Goodreads TBR: http://bit.ly/2QOCCWM

Excerpt – Trecho

I focus my attention on the girl sitting to Sofia’s left. The more beautiful one. The older-looking one. The more frightened-looking one with tears pooling in her lower lids.

Dark brown hair cascading over her shoulders and down her arms, the ends nuzzling against her bare skin like a frightened child clinging to its mother. Almond-shaped deep-caramel eyes surrounded by lush dark lashes. A few scattered freckles across the bridge of her perfectly shaped nose. Plump, glossy coral lips.

In my wildest dreams, my betrothed didn’t grow up to be this beautiful. And it annoys the hell out of me because I don’t want to be attracted to her.

I want to make her suffer.

Sofia Bellini grips the hand of the girl in question. “Please, Marco. Swear to me on your honor that my daughter will be safe with you.”

My father chuckles. “Emilia is going to give us babies, heirs to the Rossini empire. There is no safer place for her than with our family. You know that.”

Sofia and the girl beside her, my Emilia, embrace one another and sob. Her grandmother and sisters cluster around her doing the same. It’s pathetic. I would have expected less of a display from Bellinis. Certainly not this spectacle.

My betrothed has weaknesses. Those will need to be eliminated before she influences our sons with that nonsense.

“That’s more than enough of that,” I tell them.

She lifts her chin and her eyes meet mine for the first time. Inside those deep-caramel orbs, I see something I like very much: rage. There during one heartbeat and gone the next, it was only a fleeting flash. But I saw it and I don’t mistake it for what it is.

This girl is going to be so much fun to break.

“Come, Emilia. I’m ready to take you home.”

Abouth the Author – Sobre a Autora

Georgia resides in rural Mississippi with her wonderful husband, Jeff, and their two beautiful daughters. She spent fourteen years as a labor and delivery nurse before she decided to pursue her dream of becoming an author and hasn’t looked back yet.

When she’s not writing, she’s thinking about writing. When she’s being domestic, she’s listening to her music and visualizing scenes for her current work in progress. Every story coming from her always has a song to inspire.


Georgia mora na zona rural do Mississippi com seu maravilhoso marido, Jeff, e suas duas lindas filhas. Ela passou quatorze anos como enfermeira obstétrica antes de decidir seguir seu sonho de se tornar uma autora e ainda não se arrependeu.

Quando ela não está escrevendo, ela está pensando em escrever. Quando ela está sendo doméstica, ela está ouvindo sua música e visualizando cenas de seu trabalho atual em andamento. Toda história que vem dela sempre tem uma música para inspirar.


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GeorgiaCatesAuthor

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/GeorgiaCates

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authorgeorgiacates/

Tumblr: http://authorgeorgiacates.tumblr.com/

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5228869.Georgia_Cates

Website: http://georgiacates.com/

Amazon: http://bit.ly/GeorgiaCatesAmazonPage

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/georgia-cates

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/georgiacates1/

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